
Fresh Perspectives You Can Use.

Horizons Journal – Up And Away

On top of Goldeck mountainMajestic – that’s the word that comes to mind. We stand on top of Goldeck mountain 2140 m above sea-level in Austria, looking down on the Drau Valley, the small town of Spittal and Lake Millstatt; the Alps pile up beyond.

People ski all around us, they smile in anticipation of the downhill ride. With this perspective, you cannot help to be in awe of all the grandeur nature displays so generously here. Right now, we feel like little ants on this planet.

It must have taken millions of years for the river to carve this valley on its way east, and it was only three months ago that we have arrived back in Europe after 22 years in South Africa, eager to build a new life here. The blink of an eye.

If I think about it, most of our own ride up to this place was actually downhill so far, everything is falling into place in wonderful synchronicity. We must be doing something right – we apply and observe the Law of Attraction consciously at first hand.

If you’re interested to learn more about how the Law of Attraction and Intention Manifestation works, here is Steve Pavlina’s fascinating Interview with James Ray that I found last week – excellent reading!

This is the final stretch of phase two of our mission to re-settle in Europe : wrapping up in Cape Town was virtually complete when we flew out on 20 Nov, the culmination of establishing our new stomping ground in Austria is very close now.

Everything goes according to plan : the furniture we took with us from South Africa will be delivered to our new flat in Villach tomorrow and the brandnew kitchen we ordered five weeks ago gets installed on Tuesday.

Other stuff we want to live with will then arrive in bits and pieces over the next three weeks – it’s been quite intense to put our vision together and we’re more than a bit tired, but happy about the learning curve and grateful for all the friendly and helpful people we met on the way so far.

After this we’ll enter phase three, the last one, which is to establish a new social and work environment : I work as a Management Consultant with small and medium sized enterprises in Marketing and Administration.

Recently I have received a lot of flattering comments about my eNewsletters and several enquiries whether I can help others to publish their own – they know that regular newsletters are a very effective marketing tool.

I thought about it – and found that of course I can, in many different ways. So I put pen to paper and wrote a separate page on my website about it to offer the service officially from now on.

I’ll elaborate further on that over the next few weeks, but please have an early look and see whether there is something for you, or for someone you know. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, we can put our heads together over the phone and on the Internet to make your plans become reality.

If history is anything to go by, phase three of our new life will be as successful as the first two, and just as exhilarating as the top of Goldeck mountain in winter.

More soon from : Berend

Thursday, 22 February 2007 - Posted by | 1. COMPASS eNewsletter, 7. Horizons Journal

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